Womb Healing: The Non-Medical Alternative to Fertility Treatment

The TTC journey can be one of the most emotionally and sometimes even physically challenging endeavors that a woman can embark on. Unexplained and unresolved infertility is on the rise, with more and more women struggling to conceive. Many of whom are unable to do so due to lack of resources (money, insurance) and support.

 I've been witness to so many struggles in reproductive health, my own journey being one of them. In recent months my practice has seen a surge of women on their TTC journey seeking reiki and spiritual guidance, many showing up tired, exasperated, flustered, frustrated, and heavy with emotion. The waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Waiting to get a call back, waiting for an appointment, waiting for a transfer date, waiting to hear back about results, waiting for a positive test, waiting for the "go time". Getting second, third, and sometimes fourth opinions. Feeling like they are broken or something is wrong, wondering if they are cursed/have bad karma, not knowing what information to believe on the internet, some worrying if they are "manifesting correctly" or if there is something energetic or spiritual that is "blocking" their progress forward.

You may be "doing everything you are supposed to do" but there's still something amiss. Your energy has more to do with your fertility than you think. This is where I come in.  There's no cut and dry approach to my method, and this is by design. Your story / journey is unique to you and the genesis to your blockage is always a vibrational incongruency. This means that the vibration that you are holding is misaligned, or not in harmony to the energy you wish to receive. This misalignment is what creates a perceived “blockage”. Many times those misalignments are caused by limiting belief systems, negative thoughtforms, sexual and or relationship trauma, generational trauma, and lack of awareness-most of which are running through your subconscious.

The body is sentient, which means it uses senses to function and exist. There's so much more happening that's outside our conscious awareness that most of what we can sense is picked up by our subconscious so we can continue respond correctly in our daily lives. That includes feelings and emotions that come up around our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Over time, these energies can sit and stagnate which compound and intensify to create seemingly impassable barriers.

To get to the root cause, you have to follow the breadcrumbs and often the first sign of distress shows up as physical illness, pain or disease in the body. In all actuality, it’s the final “trip wire” that is telling us something is wrong. With infertility, this manifests on the physical level as: endometriosis, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), fibroids, uterine polyps, irregular or painful menstrual cycles, PMS, PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), among other conditions, but before it manifests physically, we manifest it mentally/emotionally. These are what show up as negative thoughtforms, trauma, outmoded programming, and conditioning. The most important component is the root cause which is the disconnect between the body/mind (operating as the vehicle) and the spirit/soul (as the driver). This shows up sometimes as generational or ancestral trauma, quantum or transpersonal aspects of the self and soul design, energetic misalignments to source connection, and other indicators yet to be understood or perceived.

I use my extra-sensory perception and multi-clair intuition to see into the energetic unseen to look for patterns in the details, and I follow those patterns to the root cause of the blockage and then I harmonize the body/mind and spirit connection. I do this through an exploratory deep dive into your soul's mapping. This includes delving into your life history, current lifestyle, energetic design and accessing the deeper layers of your consciousness and matching that up with how the body responds to the conscious awareness of these aspects. Once the body/mind connection has been made aware, the process of synchronizing the body/mind/spirit connection can be made. This looks like a transpersonal, intuitive energy healing using alternative healing modalities like reiki and sound therapy to calibrate and harmonize your energy into one cohesive frequency.

I invite you, whether you are just beginning on your TTC journey or you are five years in, to explore spiritual fertility healing / womb healing as the first point of awareness along your journey. If this resonates with you, sync up with me any way that you feel comfortable. You can book a free Illumination Call or Vibe Check to see if we are a match to work together or book a Fertility Consultation directly to get started.



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