Frequently Asked Questions

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a holistic practice that involves working with the energy systems of the body to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The concept behind energy healing is that disruptions or imbalances in the body's energy flow can lead to various health issues, and by restoring balance to these energies, healing can occur. There are several forms of energy healing, each with its unique techniques and approaches.

Does energy healing work if you’re not in person?

Yes, absolutely! Energy is without bounds, and goes where it needs to. Sessions are typically conducted via zoom and headphones are encouraged for sessions including sound baths. For more on distance sessions, read this blog .

How should I prepare for an energy healing or sound healing session?

Try setting some intentions before the session. Focus on what you want to get out of the session, what you want to release, and how you want to feel. Please dress comfortably. A body at rest will have a lowered overall body temperature, so please dress warmly and/or bring layers. Energy travels better through a hydrated body. Hydrate well in the days leading up to the session. Try to avoid caffeine, sugar, alcohol or cannabis for 3 hours prior to the session.

What does Reiki feel like?

Reiki is experienced differently for everyone, and no two sessions are ever the same. During a session, you may feel tingling or pressure, warm or cold sensations, or you may feel nothing at all. Most people who experience my sessions say they sense waves moving through their body and often see wisps of light and feel an overwhelming loving presence.

How does Sound Healing work?

Sound healing operates on the principle that everything in the universe, including the human body, is in a constant state of vibration. Each part of the body, including cells, organs, and energy centers, has its own natural vibrational frequency. When the body's vibrations are in harmony, health and well-being are thought to be promoted.

How do I prepare for a meditation session?

Do some journaling, close out any open projects so you can bring your mind more easily into the present moment. It is best to avoid caffeine prior to the session. Ideally, the client should be as rested and comfortable as they can be. An open mind is key.

What can I expect after a healing session?

Just as each healing session is experienced differently, so are the results. Your healing journey will be unique for you. Immediately after a session, you may feel lighter and have more clarity. You can be tired or energized, emotional or stoic. There may be residual energy that releases in the upcoming days but overall there is always a sense of peace and a shift in presence that accompanies a reiki treatment.

What do I do after a sound healing session?

It is encouraged to continue hydrating yourself in the days after the sound healing. You may have emotions or thoughts come up for you; this is part of the natural healing process. Allow time and space to sit in introspection and contemplation.

What happens after a meditation session?

The moments following a meditation session are just as important as before the session. You may feel a little dreamy, or disoriented at first. Often times, it's like waking up after an incredible night's rest. Take it slow in opening your eyes, moving your body or standing up. Check in with yourself, and take a few moments to sit with the experience. It's important to hydrate yourself. and take it easy while the results of the practice are integrating into your body, mind, and soul.

How often should I be doing spiritual work?

Everyone’s journey is different, and it varies by practitioner. Usually healing happens in 3-6 weekly sessions although breakthroughs are known to happen in the first. Coaching journeys typically longer in term and can range from 12 weeks to two years.