
Energy Healing for Mind, Body + Spirit

Reiki Services

Reiki Energy Healing

An integrative spiritual healing session that balances the body, mind and spirit using Reiki, Vibrational medicine (sound healing), and crystals.

90 min / $180

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Healing Journey: Chakras

A healing journey through the 7 chakras over the course of 7 weeks. Each healing session focuses on a specific chakra for balance, harmony, and reset.

7 Sessions / 45 min Weekly / $999

Book an Illumination Call to get started

Healing Season Package

An ongoing healing journey over 12 weeks that moves with the flow of your life’s needs for healing.

12 Sessions / 60 min Weekly / $1800

Book an Illumination Call to get started

What is Reiki?

A healing technique introduced in Japan in the 1970’s, reiki is defined as the channeling of universal life force energy (chi) through a practitioner’s hands (rei (life) ki (chi)). Energy is directed to areas of the body that require healing. The benefits of Reiki are well known throughout the world, and have a profound effect on the body, mind and soul. Singing bowls, tuning forks, essential oils and crystals may be used to complement and enhance the healing session. Healing may take course over multiple reiki sessions, and is encouraged as part of a holistic lifestyle to receive regular treatment.

Reiki Healing is often sought out when western medicine and traditional therapy has failed. Reiki helps to alleviate anxiety and stress, dispels negative emotions such as anger, guilt and shame. It’s used in fertility, addiction, mental health, digestion issues, migraines, used treat chronic pain, ease terminal illness. The results from reiki creates feelings of peace, lightness, and happiness, raises energy levels and leaves the body and mind feeling at ease. Reiki tends to find you and always finds those on their spiritual journey.

Enhanced Healing

Chakra Balancing

A form of energy healing that focuses on channeling energy into the seven chakras.

Aura Cleansing

An energy healing technique focused around clearing the 7 layers of the auric energy system.

Biofield Tuning

An approach that uses specific sound frequencies to harmonize the body, aura + chakras.

What to expect:

We will do an initial consultation prior to the session, or immediately before your first appointment. We'll talk about how you're feeling, physically, emotionally, and spiritually establish baseline expectations for the healing session.

What to wear: Please dress comfortably. A body at rest will have a lowered overall body temperature, so please dress warmly and/or bring layers. During the reiki session, you will lie on your back on a reiki table, without shoes. If you prefer to have the session sitting upright, please let me know prior to your session so I can set the space up properly.

Before the session: Try to avoid caffeine, sugar, alcohol or cannabis for 3 hours prior to the session.

The Session: We will begin by clearing your energy, and tuning in to where you are in the present moment with a brief guided meditation to achieve a state of peaceful relaxation and we'll seamlessly transition into the healing session. During the session, at any time you need to move your body, you can. It will not disrupt the healing in any way. The goal here is total comfort for you - if anything makes you feel uncomfortable during reiki, i.e., music, temperature, sensations, positioning, please let me know so I can address your needs appropriately for you to fully benefit from the session.

During the session, hands will be gently placed on or above your body, and never in any inappropriate areas. Please let me know which you prefer. You may immediately feel stress and tension lifting, or it may be some time into the session. The more relaxed and open you are, the more intense and fulfilling your experience will be.

Every Reiki experience is unique. Reiki always goes where it is needed most whether it is mental, physical, and/or spiritual. Most people will feel a sense of relaxation and peace. Some people feel Reiki energy as heat, coolness or a light breeze over the body. Some experience tingling or rippling sensations. Some feel the energy flowing to a completely different area of the body then where the practitioner’s hands are or have a sense of extra hands being on the body.

Sometimes people experience very little, but they always look forward to their next session. It is not uncommon for a client to report that they’ve seen bright colors or specific images. Sometimes people can experience a need to release emotions during or after a Reiki session  Reiki can reawaken emotions that have been retained in the body for a while and need to be released.  Such emotions include sadness, anger or grief.  This is a positive healing reaction.  You should release such emotions without judgement.  We are working together in a safe and confidential way and you will be supported fully if an emotional reaction occurs.

 As we close the session, I'll slowly bring you back to an actively alert state and offer you water / tea. We'll spend a few moments talking about anything that came up during the session, and next steps. This is an opportunity to ask questions for clarity or assistance. You should spend a few moments sitting quietly with yourself until you are fully alert before operating a vehicle. After the session, you may feel groggy, or even energized. Drink plenty of water. I am available any time after the session, if you need to discuss anything further.

How regularly you have Reiki treatments are always up to you. Reiki energies operate at a very high level and its cumulative effects work deeply through different areas of your life. Consider having three sessions, to begin with if you are working towards balancing, clearing and creating a specific personal situation. The connection you have with your practitioner and your attitude to treatment are important factors that will affect your experience.

A note on distance reiki: Yes, it can be done! Energy is without bounds, and goes where it needs to. Sessions are typically conducted via zoom and headphones are encouraged for sessions including sound baths. For more on distance sessions, read this blog .