Introducing Silvia Gratt, Reiki Master

It’s not often you meet a soul like Silvia and from the moment I met her, I knew we were supposed to do something special together. I am honored to have her as a fellow reiki to hold space for those along their journey.

Silvia says:

“From my early childhood I have been attuned to the subtle energy force that resides within me. It was through my loving journey of caring for my beloved mother that led me to embrace and harness the power  of Reiki. When I perform this sacred art, it is my expression and exchange of luminosity that manifests as unconditional love. It is an embrace of purifying light that heals and restores.  My purpose is to serve others in this divine practice and to help each soul blossom and recognize their inherent beauty and magnificence.”

Silvia will be holding reiki sessions on Tuesdays - you can book her directly by clicking here.