Ready to take your Spirituality to the next level?

“The Spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.”

— Henri Nouwen

Choosing to live in energetic alignment requires your attention + intention. It requires knowledge transfer, assimilation, and integration. It also requires a conscious decision to invest your energy in your spirituality, consistently. Working with a guide, you’ll have a wayshower and safe sounding board in a fluid, yet logically structured setting with the goal of achieving a solid + self-sustaining frame of wisdom to continue to explore + expand your spiritual journey.

Book an Illumination Call to learn more!

Reiki Certifications

Let your soul guide you in healing yourself and others. With a Reiki Level 1 certification, you’ll learn the fundamentals of energy work and be attuned so that you are able to perform self healing. In a Reiki Level II Certification, the practical knowledge of Reiki is expanded as well as the attunement to perform healing on self + others. In a Reiki Master Certification, you’ll learn the highest degree of energy healing as well as be able to certify others to become reiki practitioners of various levels. To learn more about the course framework, book an Illumination Call and we’ll review it together.

Chakra Wisdom

Learn how to tap into the body’s innate wisdom. The chakras are energy centers that regulate the flow of energy in and around the body. There are 7 primary chakras in the Hindu-brahman tradition and 9 energy centers in the Human Design system. This is a virtual structured container with a 7-week Chakra focus or a 9-week Human Design focus. Each week is a unique chakra and includes knowledge transfer, interactive discussion, live guided meditation + healing, as well as offline contemplations for individual development.

Spiritual Awakening

Navigating through a spiritual awakening may be one of the most difficult experiences of your life. Although a spiritual awakening can be a beautiful experience, it’s not always easy to accept and integrate a new conscious awareness into your existence, especially if you feel alone in your spiritual journey. Currently, this service is offered through Conscious Life Coaching.

“It’s true that the soul’s journey is a ‘sole’ journey, but you are truly never, never alone.”

— Jaime Claire

The Guidance:

A spiritual awakening is experienced by every soul in a different way, so no two approaches are ever the same. In a Conscious Coaching Container, you can expect to have a spiritual guide to help you navigate through your nebulous journey to provide the tools, resources, guidance and most importantly, the validation that you are on the right track. If you have been questioning your reality, wondering what your purpose is or why you’re here, searching for the meaning of existence beyond the religious institution, developing “clair” gifts, or awakening to the truth of who you truly are, then this is for you.

Some examples of coaching containers look like: developing your meditation practice, becoming an energy or reiki healer, learning how to better tap into psychic abilities, living a mystical life, emotional freedom, lifestyle changes, developing a new identity, connecting with your Higher Self, Chakra healing, learning how to astral project/OBE, creating mind-body-spirit alignment, substance abuse recovery, reprogramming limiting beliefs and conditioning, womb healing, and developing a relationship with god/source/spirit.

The coaching structure is determined following a breakthrough healing session to chart the best course for navigation. The structured coaching session contains: open dialogue, knowledge transfer & guidance, spiritual development exercises, a guided meditation with distance reiki healing. Coaching packages are offered as three-months of weekly 75-min sessions that include a written summary of each session with learnings, takeaways, and resources, and 24/7 follow up support by phone/text/email.

Although this is a ‘sole’ journey, this container ensures you are not alone and have all the support you need as an individual, and at the end, and maybe you’ve even made a new friend along the way. Book a Discovery Call to get started.

  • Spiritual Awakening

    Get the guidance, nurturing support and resources that you need along your journey of awakening.

  • personal freedom

    Absolute Freedom

    Achieve physical, emotional and spiritual freedom to live as your authentic, limitless self, free from programming & conditioning.

  • Consciousness

    Practice living through inner awareness explored through meditation, trance, and other altered states of consciousness.