I am an Energy Healer and Spiritual Life Coach.

I am the founder of IRIS. The mission of IRIS is in the name. You see, I have been on the most incredible healing journey and in the process IRIS was made manifest. IRIS is the Inward Revolution for the Intuitive Soul. I felt like I was asleep for most of my life until I had a spiritual awakening that brought me on an inward soul journey. And I’m still very much on it. But in the process I realized my mission: to help others on their own inward journeys. Whether we’re healing with reiki, tuning your energy with sound, or mindfully traversing through the psyche to access deeper aspects of the self, we are illuminating the spirit. When that happens, you open up to an incredible world around you that’s been there the whole time, you’ve just never saw it that way before. If the eyes are the window to the soul, the IRIS is the lens that colors your world and determines how much soul light you let in, or out. I’m here to help you navigate the way.


Your physical, mental, spiritual and energetic safety is my priority.

The space we hold together is sacred and what you choose to share will remain in confidence.

 I honor and respect all walks of life, values, belief systems, lifestyle choices, religions, and versions of reality.

I am always guided by integrity and radical acceptance.

My direction is delivered with loving intent and transparency as we embark on this journey together.


MBA - 6/2014

Reiki I - 9/2018

Reiki II - 9/2020

Reiki Master Teacher - 11/2020

Certified Chakra Healing Practitioner - 10/2020

Certified Meditation Teacher - 6/2021

Certified NLP Life Coach - 6/2022

Member of: International Reiki Organization, Reiki Healing Association, International Association of Reiki Professionals, The International Center for Reiki Training, Meditation Alliance International


  • I began practicing a spiritually-centered lifestyle at a very young age but it took a few major life events to nudge me permanently in this direction. I was always deeply “tuned-in” to music and frequencies, always had a deep desire to help others and to truly understand them. I dedicated my life to healing others because I am a living, breathing example of how spiritual healing can change (and save) lives.

  • Having many adverse experiences in early childhood, I struggled with repressed trauma, emotional dysregulation, and a lack of identity and self-worth as an adult. My trauma manifested in my life in the form of toxic relationships, lack of boundaries, codependency, perfectionism, self-dysmorphia, and a loss of sense of self.

  • But blissfully unaware of the true work that needed to be done, I buried myself in work + school, serial-certifying and over-achieving, and busying myself until my Saturn Return took my life by storm.

  • It forced me to rebuild everything about my life and square off with the parts of me that I avoided most of my life and this began my real journey of healing.

  • I worked with therapists, psychologists, hypnotists, nutritionists, shamans, quantum healers- I did it all from EMDR to Past Life Regression + Spirit Release. I immersed my entire life in my healing.

  • Seven years of consistent attention to learning about the psychology of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious human mind, the spiritual genesis of physical dis-ease, how the body holds and releases trauma, how energy moves around and within the body + field, the mind-body-soul connection, the soul-earth connection, the soul-spirit-source connection, heart coherence…

  • …And on a wider scale, how environmental, generational, ancestral, religious and cultural belief systems influence + condition how we respond to life, as well as the larger cycles and patterns that are a transcendental influence on how we express our unique energy imprint into the world.

  • There’s a saying that says, what you don’t learn from will continue to show up in your life in different ways until you do learn. I can say from experience that it’s true. When you think you have healed, the universe will surely make sure of that.

  • In late 2020 I found myself moving through the most difficult time of my life. A time that required me leaving my career, my partner, and a version of me I knew I could no longer carry forward. This time, instead of burying myself in my career, I went inward. That journey sparked a revolution that took place within me.

  • If I hadn’t been on the “spiritual path”, I’m not sure how I would have survived. All those tools and resources I picked up helped to light the way forward.

  • I followed the breadcrumbs left by spirit, and in retrospect I see that nothing in my life was on accident. My spiritual undercurrent evolved a tidal wave, and I dedicated my life to a mission of helping others stay connected to their soul as they navigate life + change.

  • My journey has been incredible. Spirituality changed my life. In fact, it completely saved my life. The core of who I am has been and will always be the same, but I’ve shifted. My consciousness has evolved. I’m tapped into spirit and my compass pointed True North and I have never been more aware of the higher order of the universe and my place and purpose as it evolves itself through me.

  • Although I was classically trained in traditional Usui Reiki and Buddhist meditation, my “spiritual” foundation is deeply rooted in physics, astronomy, physiology, psychology, philosophy, astrology and theology. And what I’ve learned from those studies is that there is a beautifully synchronous, divinely orchestrated, intelligent design connecting everything in our known universe.

  • I now specialize in holding space for clients in all walks of life with journeys involving: Trauma, Major Life Change, Fertility, Identity, Spiritual Awakening, Consciousness, and Self Discovery.

    I offer heart-centered holistic healing solutions, spiritual development and conscious coaching in a safe, non-”woo-woo” setting.

  • I’m so grateful to share my story and I hope that it helps you find hope within yourself. The only limits to life are the barriers you create for yourself. Imagine what your life could be like and create the space to hold it as you wish. Be consciously curious with childlike wonder again. Let go, and surrender. You’re safe enough. And you’re not alone.