meditation, mindfulness


Meditation is an ancient practice, deeply rooted in numerous religious traditions and has evolved and adapted in cultures throughout history.

What is meditation?


Today, many techniques exist: mindfulness, spiritual, focused, movement, mantra, zen, transcendental, progressive, and loving kindness, just to name a few.

Meditation helps to be present in the here and now to produce a calm and tranquil mind and deep state of relaxation within the body.

During meditation, attention is focused on a specific intent, and the stream of thoughts produced by the mind that may be taking up space and causing stress are quieted, if not eliminated altogether. In this process, I will work with you to come up with a guided meditation that will help you focus your thoughts on the intention of your desire while consistently being aware of your body and your breath. In these sessions, various techniques are used for a deeply immersive experience.

Meditation is also a tool for connecting with your subconscious mind on your path to self discovery, to let go of negative emotions, reset the mind, manifest greatness, and bring positive transformation into your life.

Experience a gentle, voice-guided meditation to journey beyond the self. Experience a deep state of relaxation to become mindful of the stillness of and within the body and mind.

What to expect


Meditation can be done by anyone, anywhere, remotely or in person. Before a session, a baseline will be established based on the experience of the client's meditation practices. For an in-person session, a safe and comfortable space will be prepared, involving the use of ambient lighting, music, and essential oils to aid in relaxation. In a remote session, earphones are strongly encouraged as well as a comfortable, clean, quiet, and uninterrupted space.

Two ways to do it: based on a consciously set intention prior to the session or channeled through a blended energetic connection of the higher selves of both client and practitioner. During a pre-set intent meditation, attention is focused on that specific intent, and the stream of thoughts produced by the mind that may be taking up space and causing stress are quieted, if not eliminated altogether. During a channeled meditation, the journey is determined by the client's inner voice, and channeled through the practitioner's voice.

How to prepare


It is best to avoid caffeine, cannabis, alcohol or other adulterants or mind-altering substances at least three hours prior to the session (for ritual / ceremonies, please inquire directly). Ideally, the client should be as rested and comfortable as they can be. An open mind is key.

After your session


The moments following a meditation session are just as important as before the session. You may feel a little dreamy, or disoriented at first. Often times, it's like waking up after an incredible night's rest. Take it slow in opening your eyes, moving your body or standing up. Check in with yourself, and take a few moments to sit with the experience. It's important to hydrate yourself. and take it easy while the results of the practice are integrating into your body, mind, and soul.

Over time, and with practice, you will learn how to self-induce a meditative state. Changes will be noticeable in your stress levels, sleep patterns, time to recovery, creativity, stillness, and self-awareness. To strengthen your meditation practice further, inquire directly about packages and subscriptions.

Benefits of Energy Healing


Relaxes the body on a systemic level. Increases oxygen flow, regulates blood pressure, relaxes muscle tension, boosts immune system, reduces inflammation, reduces chronic pain


Clears the mind, Reduces stress and anxiety, helps strengthen emotional regulation, increases attention span, reduces memory loss, releases addiction, develop/enhance intuition


Increases self-awareness, ascend levels of consciousness, connection with higher self and/or divine, develop a sense of unity consciousness and higher understanding of your life’s purpose.